When you are on the beach wearing this super-hot bikini, enjoying your holidays, the last thing you want to worry about is cellulite. But in fact, most most women must must fight that problem. And as we know, there are thousands of supposed cellulite reduction treatments on the market, but instead of buying the next ineffective product, you should better invest in FOOD!
The fact is, you didn’t get cellulite overnight. It is caused by factors such as unbalanced hormones and genetics or it has built up from years of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. There are many foods which cause cellulite and which you should definitely avoid! Time to make a change and watch your body transform. Believe us, you will see results .
Change your diet into the anti-cellulite diet!
Wondering what foods cause cellulite and what foods can reduce it? To remove toxins from your body, you have to eat clean, alkaline and unprocessed food. To reduce cellulite, you should avoid fast food and refined, processed meals. What’s important for you, is to lower your carb intake and cut sugar! These are causing the cellulite the most!
- Dreaming about skin without cellulite? Then don’t eat too much sugar and salt! Sugar gets stored in fat cells and causes them to expand. Salt contains sodium which causes fluid retention, making cellulite appear even worse.
- Wondering which foods cause cellulite? Then, avoid acid-forming beverages like coffee, alcohol, or soft drinks. Instead, drink green tea – research shows that it helps release fat stores and increases fat burning.
- Reduce the levels of bad fat in your diet and eat healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, and oily fish instead. Good fats are necessary for proper hormone production so if you want to reduce the cellulite, 20% of what you eat needs to be healthy fat.
- To reduce cellulite eat more alkaline food like vegetables and fresh fruits (but also avoid too sugary fruits). You can also check out our Superfoods which contains loads of healthy berries and therefore is a natural energizer for your body.
- The diet to reduce cellulite includes drinking plenty of water. Curious about the benefits of drinking water? Check out our article about it!
- Avoid refined carbohydrates such as white flour, bread, and rice.
- Foods that help you to reduce the cellulite are healthy protein (eggs, chicken, fish, lentils, quinoa).
- Don’t smoke! Nicotine is loaded with acid-forming toxins.
Does healthy eating mean to completely forego snacks? No, it doesn’t. You can still have snacks, just try to find healthy alternatives like healthy smoothies or vitamin-rich berries. You can find many healthy, yet delicious foods in our shop!
Try to eat more of these foods to Reduce cellulite:
- Kale
- Cucumber
- Celery
- Tomatoes
- Berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries)
- Papaya
- Grapefruit
- Spirulina
- Avocado
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Quinoa
- Millet
- Cinnamon (increases blood circulation)
If you want to get rid of cellulite, your diet plays a big role but please note, you can only get the best results if you also consider the workout part. Check out “How to lose cellulite” with our workout ideas.
To sum it up, eat foods that reduce cellulite, sweat, hit the gym, brush regularly, and reduce cellulite!